Is Hallmark trying to be all steampunk-ish? I just want to buy one so that I can take it apart to see how it was made.

Why this is not being aired tonight is beyond me. Geez, I'd even settle for Jason Takes Manhattan.
I'm sorry but the "GUSTO" bit is going to cost you way more than 60K.
More music with the first being an excellent time-waster for rainy Fridays:
This site kills me. I love the names of the groups, names of the songs and watching the videos is one of my guiltiest pleasures.
Of the various sites I'm probably on here the most.
I'm curious.....where do most people find new music? MySpace Music? Random searching on iTunes? Eurovision contestants? RadioDisney (*ahem*)?
Because 2896 songs on my iPod is clearly not enough, below are some places from which I draw inspiration (and yes, I refuse to list the Dockers commercial as a reference):
There's *alot* more here than just music. See latest post about Dolly Parton.
Most of the time I find myself getting sucked into the 80's-dance-bubblegum-pop genre vortex and that's okay but it can get a tad repetitive. Listening to one of these podcasts here and there can help to shake things up.
The site's a little clunky search-wise but seeing playlists with music other than what's only available on iTunes is very nice.
To be continued....
Did you know (or remember, depending on how old you are) that in 1974 a frenchman by the name of Philippe Petit walked (and at times bounced) across a wire that spanned the two towers that were the World Trade Center?
First of all, EW!!! Second, the list of locations totally cracked me up. And last, if you check out the vid at the bottom of the page link doesn't the amount of mouse clicks needed to pleasure one of these things seems *so* burdensome!?
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