In looking at the action figures available at Comic-Con 2008 I caught this one of Lobo and his bulldog, Dawg. I don't like this because of Lobo (sorry Lobo fans) but because of Dawg. It's such an awesome depiction of a bulldog. Cute and disgusting all rolled into one. The snaggle tooth and those stubby, lil' legs kill me!
Insanely Cool!
So how cool was the thunder and lightning last night?! The entire house was shaking!
(Photograph is not by me - it was taken by Elizabeth Benevides. We were watching the show from our porch.)
Separated at Birth
Totally Looks Like... is awesome. Any site that joins me in mocking how Wilford Brimass says the word 'Diabetes' is an instant fave. The Christine Marinoni one is spot on too.
Ikea *and* a Museum: woah

Interestingly enough, my mom's friend's sister also had an exhibit at the museum which I was able to catch.
Another reason why I hit the museum today was the fact that I would be able to stop in Ikea on a week night. I refuse to go there, or anywhere near there, during the weekend. Here's what I got.
When you get caught between the Moon and New York City
Actually this doesn't even involve the moon but reading about Manhattanhenge instantly brought that evil Christopher Cross song to mind.
So...if you're in NYC at 8:24 p.m. tonight (and 8:25 p.m. tomorrow) you'll be able to see the sun totally aligned with Manhattan's street grid, fully illuminating every single cross-street for the last fifteen minutes of daylight. That's pretty neat!
Fireworks, Baseball and a Book
Bunny Wabbits and Such
Hubba Bubba, My New Friend
Well, I know you've all been waiting with bated breath for the results of my bidding war :
I lost.
Can you believe it actually went for $21.55 + $7 S&H!? My maximum bid never even came that close.
I think Spector Gant will be the most affected by my loss since I'm sure he'll miss my “timely” updates on the topic.
Lights are off. The air is humid. The fan is on. Spector Gant is already in bed, head on pillow and eyes closed. Moxiemilo enters the room. Moxiemilo first fixes her pillows and then climbs into bed. Silence.
MM: So I’ve been outbid again.
SG: Yeah?
MM: Yeah!
Spector Gant is sitting on the couch watching the Red Sox game. Moxiemilo enters the room. Moxiemilo first complains about the heat and then sits down on the couch.
MM: So I’ve been outbid again.
SG: Yeah?
MM: Yeah!