I Want a Dawg

Insanely Cool!

It's freakin' hot

Poor guy. Too hot to even play with his ball.

Friday Quiz

I scored 67% (10 of 15).

Separated at Birth

Ikea *and* a Museum: woah

Tonight I hit the Nishimura Yuko exhibit at The Fuller Craft Museum. It's been on my list of things to do for a while now and, as always, my visit was precipitated by the fact that the closing date is just in a couple of days. The museum isn't exactly in my backyard and it would've been easy enough to say to hell with it but I'm really glad that I pushed myself to go because her show was amazing. Absolutely rhythmic and hypnotic. The fact that she is able to produce such works from just hand folding one single piece of paper is astonishing.

Interestingly enough, my mom's friend's sister also had an exhibit at the museum which I was able to catch.

Another reason why I hit the museum today was the fact that I would be able to stop in Ikea on a week night. I refuse to go there, or anywhere near there, during the weekend. Here's what I got.

When you get caught between the Moon and New York City

Fireworks, Baseball and a Book

First let me tell you that it took all my strength to not name this entry "Read, White & Blue". Must..resist...the power of the pun.

Anyway, in between fireworks and baseball games I was able to read Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close this weekend. It's been on my TBR list for way too long.  It was very very good.  Definitely read it if you get the chance. 

Things That Make Me Laugh

(via Cynical-C)

Bunny Wabbits and Such

Lately, Spector Gant and I have been discussing all that inspires us to create (and how to maintain that momentum).

I thought Billy Collins' Inspired by a Bunny Wabbit was an appropriate, and funny, article on the subject.

Hubba Bubba, My New Friend

Well, I know you've all been waiting with bated breath for the results of my bidding war :

I lost.

Can you believe it actually went for $21.55 + $7 S&H!? My maximum bid never even came that close.

I think Spector Gant will be the most affected by my loss since I'm sure he'll miss my “timely” updates on the topic.



Lights are off. The air is humid. The fan is on. Spector Gant is already in bed, head on pillow and eyes closed. Moxiemilo enters the room. Moxiemilo first fixes her pillows and then climbs into bed. Silence.

MM: So I’ve been outbid again.

SG: Yeah?

MM: Yeah!





Spector Gant is sitting on the couch watching the Red Sox game. Moxiemilo enters the room. Moxiemilo first complains about the heat and then sits down on the couch.

MM: So I’ve been outbid again.

SG: Yeah?

MM: Yeah!