C'mon. Really?
I'm all for using technology to connect but this seems just plain silly.
Gotham Knight

The girl watched it with us and it was funny to see and hear her reaction to the different segments, particularly #1. She was almost angry about the different versions of Batman being portrayed there. She felt much better about things when it got to segment #2 (but then the "colorful" #5 didn't help). Definitely catch this if you haven't done so already!
The Bridge

Like I said, fascinating and disturbing. It still gives me the shivers just thinking about it.
Hard Candy
Last night we watched Hard Candy (2005) Definitely a provocative film. Not fantastic but certainly worth watching. The heroine was seeking truth and justice but I found her prolonged torture tactics to be more annoying than anything else. Just get it over with already!! And although "victorious" at the end I felt that she ended up being no better than them. And was that character truly a 14 year old? I didn't know what to believe by the end of that movie. As you can tell the movie certainly struck a chord with me since I'm still thinking about it today.
Maybe we should continue the 'candy' theme by watching Brain Candy. Nothing lightens the mood like cancer boy.