Proud Parent Moment #137
After watching the debates X. and I decided to put on Tenebre (1982) . It was late and we were tired. We both started falling asleep at the very end. We tried to rally but just couldn't so we paused the movie and went upstairs to bed.
Early this morning:
Liv comes upstairs and asks if she can put on the t.v. downstairs. Within minutes she comes racing upstairs. Instead of her Saturday morning cartoons coming on our movie started playing from where we had paused it last night.
The dénouement of a Dario Argento film is so not the Disney channel.
No Cash Here
This must be the week for strange emails as I got this the other night. I mean, really?!! I thought this gimmick was already played out like 6 years ago. Come on, what schmucks out there really fall for this? Maybe it's the same people who buy the amish-made instant fireplace you see advertised in the coupon section of the Sunday paper. Forget the money saving coupons, I just look through that section for the comic relief. The group photo of the bearded amish men working in their barn on all these fireplaces just kills me.
Take Action Now!
Got this today at work.
I'm thinking The Schmuck and The Idiot should be included in this list not to mention some other lovely types of people that I always seem to encounter.
This Ain't No Zoopsia
Reid Miles
From 1956 to the late Sixties, he designed and photographed nearly 500 album covers for Blue Note Records. Take a look at his dynamic use of space, color, shape and type:

My favorite is the Unity cover (top). I'm mulling over creating a paper sculpture based on this design. Luckily, Spector Gant has this album and so I'll be able to have a tangible reference at my disposal. Unluckily, the album is currently propped on my desk and is taunting me every single time I walk into the room. Oy!
dummy dust
I came across the stupidest show last night and Gina Bellafante from The New York Times couldn't have given it a better review:
"Given that Ms. Zoe is already a pox on humanity — exploiting an aesthetic of dissipation, invading our collective consciousness and spraying it with dummy dust — it is amazing that “The Rachel Zoe Project,” which focuses on her career, manages to send its audience deeper into the territory of smug NPR obsessives who won’t stop ranting about triviality’s conquest of the American soul." (link to full review)
I love the 'pox on humanity' bit.
Honk if You See Me on the Road

(I'm kidding BUT I do have to admit that I secretly want a vanity plate.)
You too can make your own here: ACME License Maker The retro plate designs were pretty cool.