In Ancient Times...

It's that time of the year for Manhattanhenge. Here's a 2 min. overview by Neil deGrasse Tyson. You've got to love his exuberance but dude, lose the vest.

In the notification I received about this event Tyson also touched upon this:
While we are on the subject, when viewed from all latitudes north of the Tropic of Cancer (23.5 degrees north latitude), the Sun always rises at an angle up and to the right, and sets and an angle down and to the right. That's how you can spot a faked sunrise in a movie: it moves up and to the left. Filmmakers are not typically awake in the morning hours to film an actual sunrise, so they film a sunset
instead, and then time-reverse it, thinking nobody will notice.
Has anyone spotted a faked sunrise in a movie? I can't remember the last movie I saw that featured one. A sunrise, that is. Now I'll be on the lookout. Move over exploding starfish...I now need to make room for this tidbit of information. Just park it right next to my phone number I had growing up.

So Teeny!

You totally know that this show caught my eye!

The premiere is tonight at 10 -- be there or be doing something more productive with your time.

Out of Sorts

Check out this cool little documentary about letterpress.  The type looks so beautiful.  I love the close-ups  -  particularly  the ampersand and the Q.  

The Graduate!

Poor Sea Stars

Sea stars + too much rain = kablooey!

Highlight of My Weekend

Seeing one of these in person and winning one of these!


Highlight of My Week



So I finally watched it! Overall it was pretty close to how I had remembered it - bizarre and scary rolled into one.
  • Overall Scare factor (B-): The zombies themselves were pretty scary but what I think scared me more was the thought of being in open waters and not knowing what's lurking beneath. Now *that* creeps me out!
  • Bad Acting factor (C+): Fitting for a B horror flick. Token girl in bikini and an anorexic Peter Cushing.
  • Creepy Music factor (B+): The music is totally creepy!

Now on to the next horror film! Speaking of which, I read that Natalie Portman is possibly starring in a remake of Suspiria. Not sure if it's true. Could be interesting (or just really really really bad). What I want to know is if The Goblins will be doing the music again. That freaky Italian prog-rock is the backbone of that movie!

Traumatot Help

I feel so behind the times - I can't seem to identify a single movie from this week's Name That Traumatot!

6: No idea what the movie is but the kid totally looks like Leif Garretson Garret (oops - not sure where the Garretson came from).
8: Children of the Corn? It's killing me, that girl looks so familiar!
9: Again, no idea what the movie is but doesn't he look like a young Jerry O'Connell?

Thanks K. for the site!