- Many people spend many hours perfecting their lawn. We are not one of them;
- I pass by one of these every morning. I'm thinking of changing my route;
- Apparently I'm in the minority of not liking gazing balls;
- Lawn hobos are the new lawn jockey;
- Instead of Mary in the half-shell there's Mary in the half-tub; and
- Shin splints are the devil's handiwork.
Clean Living Experiment
Posted by
on Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Comments: (2)
So I started a Clean Living Experiment. I wanted to make a change for myself and I figured why pay for a program when all I need to do is go to bed early and exercise. My theory is that doing those 2 things should, in and of themselves, prevent me from other vices. So I've been forcing myself to go to bed early which means 10:30 on most nights. And I've been walking every morning at 5:30. The hardest part has been forcing myself to go to bed. I am such a crazy night owl it's not even funny but within a day or so I saw the benefits such as increased energy and sounder sleep. As for the exercise, I can honestly say that I'm a little addicted at this point. I've been walking about 5000 steps each morning which is roughly 2 miles. Below are my observations:
The Faster The Beat, The Sweeter The Meat
Posted by
on Tuesday, June 23, 2009
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I could be wrong but something tells me that this won't be making it to PPAC anytime soon. Just a hunch.
The horrible games on their site did make me laugh though, especially this one. My beat was totally fast yet I still couldn't make my meat sweet!
The horrible games on their site did make me laugh though, especially this one. My beat was totally fast yet I still couldn't make my meat sweet!
Drat, Drat and Double Drat
Posted by
on Monday, June 22, 2009
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On Boing Boing today there was a post about Stephane Halleux's awesome robot characters.
The robots are really amazing but I think what I dug most were the cars. Although they're not flying machines, they totally remind me of something you'd see in a Dastardly and Muttley cartoon. Definitely check them out.

Link to Boing Boing post.
Link to Stephane Halleux.
The robots are really amazing but I think what I dug most were the cars. Although they're not flying machines, they totally remind me of something you'd see in a Dastardly and Muttley cartoon. Definitely check them out.
Link to Boing Boing post.
Link to Stephane Halleux.
What a Maroon!
Posted by
on Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Comments: (2)
When my blood sugar is high the *last* thing I want to be doing is pleasuring someone else...
Source: The Huffington Post (I know, I know...please don't give me crap.)
Another Wednesday, Another Banana
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Today I present to you the ugly-speckled-ceramic-banana. Not every banana that I have is cute - in fact, the bulk of them are quite "special". This one looks like it's suffering from some type of disease.
Food Glorious Food
Posted by
on Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Comments: (1)
I usually don't write about food, which is surprising since I love to eat, but I made this over the weekend on the grill and it's too easy and yummy not to share:
Herbed Balsamic Chicken with Blue Cheese
And if you're not a fan of blue cheese I think it would still taste great even if you skipped that part.
Herbed Balsamic Chicken with Blue Cheese
And if you're not a fan of blue cheese I think it would still taste great even if you skipped that part.
Absurdity Knocks
Posted by
on Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Comments: (8)
In honor of the Humpty Dance guy at work and because it's the hump day of the week I bring you the absurd a la banana:

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More to come...