Mustard Marvin
BTW, to all you people who have central air: I'm so jealous.
Fat Head
There seems to be some likely candidates missing from this portion of the list. Terry Gilliam, Tom Jones, Willie Nelson and William Shatner to name a few.
The "Risk Factors" crack me up though.
Click the photo to enlarge:
Monster Mask Making
Description of a RISD Continuing Ed. class I would love to take this Fall:
Nothing screams Halloween like a good silicone rubber monster mask. In this course, we push it further with a DIY mask -- a creation that begins as a drawing but is then given three-dimensional reality as an oil-based clay sculpture. With this technique, you can be as realistic (with pores, wrinkles and creases) or as otherworldly (with scales, wounds and craters) as you can imagine. The sculpting is just the start, as you next cast your mask in rubber, a fluid and durable synthetic material that has become the agent of choice among West Coast special effects shops. The course concludes with demonstrations of painting and finishing techniques that make your mask startlingly authentic and ready for debut in your video thriller or at a costume ball.
More Mutant Tax
Some observations:
- Some people hired Attorneys to plead guilty but with a good driving record. Why hire an Attorney when you could plead the same yourself (like I did) and only pay the $35 Court fee?
- All of these Attorneys looked like Sean Penn in Carlito's Way but only grosser. How many tassle shoes can one girl take in a week?
- Window tinting was a pretty popular offense. If you didn't prove that the tinting was removed then you'd have to pay a $250 fine.
- The Bailiff was not at all like Bull from Night Court. Nor did the Judge do magic.
Goober Time!
Mutant Tax
- Color
- Price
- Me
Frenchie Duchamp...Madame Fatal...Blarney Cock....Freedom Ring...'s tough being a gay comic-book character:
The List of Eww Just Got Longer
On a diet and have a tendency to overdo the carbs? The secret to resistance is this:
Eww, Eww and Eww
(Warning: The clip is completely SFW but don't bother going to the URL tagged at the end. Unless you're Phuxter.)
Don't think I'll be showing this to Liv anytime soon...
I Have Come Here to Chew Bubblegum and Kick A$$...
I love this.
Action Movie Cliche: The Witty Retort from Resident Clinton on Vimeo.
The Trollenberg Terror
Even though I could remember bits and pieces of the film I couldn't, for the life of me, remember the title..until today. I think my Google search was something like "horror film about giant squid in alps" and voila!
Please tell me I'm not alone in seeing this horrible gem of a movie!
There's another movie though that I just can't locate. And part of my problem is that I'm not even sure if it was a movie or an Outer Limits episode. What I do remember is this:
- black and white film
- set in the future
- (possibly) set on a different planet
- at certain points during the day the people on this planet would have to don special glasses and find cover so as to not get harmed by this lethal "rain".
- This "rain" looked like glass.
Sears Tower Skydeck Ledge
Check out the insane Sears Tower Skydeck Ledge.
"Each box is comprised of three layers of half-inch thick glass laminated into one seamless unit." That's not alot of inch-age separating you from a 1300 foot drop!