Can I just say...
Posted by
on Thursday, October 30, 2008
Comments: (1) good it feels to just sit at my desk and just do my thang? We instituted a "studio night" for me a while back (a night where I am completely undisturbed by the wee one and the domestic tasks associated therewith) but for some reason I let it slide. I didn't create anything tonight that I'm ready to post right now but I was able to play around with some ideas at my own pace while listening to new music.
What could be cooler than that?
What could be cooler than that?
Family Dynamics via Batman Lego
Posted by
on Monday, October 27, 2008
Comments: (2)
When X. and o. play:
X. = Batman
o. = Robin
Robin always defers to Batman.
When me and o. play:
me = Batman
o. = Robin
Prior to playing, Robin states that he is the leader. Period. Robin is always telling Batman where to go and what to do. X. walks in the room and starts telling Batman and Robin what to do. Batman invariably gets annoyed and drops out. X. picks up the controller. Robin assumes his line in the pecking order.
Oh. My. God.
Posted by
on Friday, October 24, 2008
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The 25 Most Disturbing Sex Toys |
The 25 Most Disturbing Sex Toys. No, not the ones that make silly gag gifts. The ones that look like torture devices from a post-Apocalyptic future.
The Camp Horror...The Camp Horror...
Posted by
on Wednesday, October 22, 2008
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And then there's the rest of the movies being shown at the film fest that seem more ridiculous then anything else (which is not to say that I wouldn't see these). Undead trailer trash...killer hair extensions...Pawtucket being taken over by Vampires for Jesus? Classic.
“Death in Charge” (2008, 15 min., USA) dir. by Devi Snively
"Nightlife" (2008, 82 min. USA) dir. by Tim Sanderson
"Trailer Park of Terror" (2008, 85 min., USA) dir. by Steven Goldmann
“Death in Charge” (2008, 15 min., USA) dir. by Devi Snively
The Grim Reaper is mistaken for a babysitter and learns a thing or two about life.
"Nightlife" (2008, 82 min. USA) dir. by Tim Sanderson
Being a vampire kinda sucks. At least that's the premise of this mockumentary comedy in which a small film crew follows six of the undead in their night-to-night lives. Forget about capes, they dress just like us. They watch a lot of bad TV. They're more concerned with paying the rent on time than they are with crossing Van Helsing. However, everyone has enemies, and our subjects are no exception. Enter the vampire hunters; comic book loving geeks who have made it their mission to vanquish these demons of the night with signature homemade weapons. When these two sides come fang to face things get pretty ugly, but for all concerned parties it's just another day in the everlasting battle between good and evil.
"Trailer Park of Terror" (2008, 85 min., USA) dir. by Steven Goldmann
Based on the Imperium Comics series, Trailer Park of Terror. Six troubled high school students and their chaperon, an optimistic youth ministries Pastor, return from an outdoor character building retreat in the mountains. During a raging storm, their bus crashes, hopelessly stranding them in the middle of the Trucker's Triangle, a forgotten locus of consummate evil in the middle of nowhere. The hapless group seeks shelter for the night in a seemingly abandoned trailer park they find down the road. However, when the sun sets, it's not refuge they find. Instead, terror finds them in the form of Norma, a damned redneck reaper with a killer body who dispenses vengeance and death aided by her cursed companions, a bloodthirsty brood of Undead trailer trash."Christian Vampires from Beyond Suburbia" (2008, 86 min., USA) dir. by Jacquie Schnabel
Christian Vampires from Beyond Suburbia is a feature length comedy horror flick about an ominous big box store, called “VampMart,” run by the Vampires for Jesus that try to take over the post industrial mill town of Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Their blood drinking, soul saving, bargain discount ways almost literally suck this town dry.
The Horror...The Horror...
Posted by
on Tuesday, October 21, 2008
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The RI Horror Film Festival begins this Thursday. Of all the movies being shown I really wish I could see these two:
“The Living and the Dead” (2006, 84 min., UK) dir. by Simon Rumley
“EXTE: HAIR EXTENSIONS” (2007, 108 min., Japan) dir. by Sion Sono (aka "EKUSUTE") ---
“The Living and the Dead” (2006, 84 min., UK) dir. by Simon Rumley
A furiously original meld of madness and pathos, The Living and the Dead is family dysfunction at its most shocking and grotesque. With bankruptcy looming, desperate Donald Brocklebank (Roger Lloyd Pack, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) must leave his bedridden wife alone with their son James - a schizophrenic man-child. In a horrific fit of dementia James abandons his medication, locks the doors, and plays nurse. As his ability to distinguish morbid fantasy from reality decays, he plunges into a mental labyrinth so violent and deranged none of them may survive it.
Click here to view the super creepy trailer. It's seriously freaky. Like Session 9 freaky.and
“EXTE: HAIR EXTENSIONS” (2007, 108 min., Japan) dir. by Sion Sono (aka "EKUSUTE") ---
This latest fright film from master J-Horror director Sion Sono (STRANGE CIRCUS, SUICIDE CLUB) shows what happens to vain girls who make extensions out of a murder victim's revenge-seeking hair.
Click here for the ultra bizarre trailer.
Meet My Manga
Posted by
on Thursday, October 16, 2008
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I decided I needed another me to do all the stuff I can't do while I'm at work. I've assigned her alot of tasks so I hope she's not slacking. First, she'll need to start a new playlist for me. Next up is her sketching some designs that have been living in my head for far too long. She'll then need to do some major cleaning to prepare for my Mom's visit this weekend. She'll hit the grocery store, play PS2 and then watch the Project Runway Finale (and yes, this season has been sub-sub-sub par as there are no Wendy Peppers or Kaynes but for some reaon I just cannot resist).
10 years = PS2
Posted by
on Saturday, October 11, 2008
Comments: (2)
X. and I just gave ourselves the best anniversary gift ever - a PS2 console. I am SO excited. The wii totally interests us too but the availability, cost and the fact that we would actually have to get off the couch and, dare I say, be active just squashed it for us.
Carnage and silliness while sitting on our asses suits us just fine, thank you very much.

Carnage and silliness while sitting on our asses suits us just fine, thank you very much.

Posted by
on Thursday, October 9, 2008
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No no no, not the General Petraeus surge. But rather the Amish built electric fireplace heat surge!
I've talked about the bearded amish men working in their barn in an earlier post and for those who are missing out on that coupon section I thought I'd share with you what you've been missing. Now, that's Photoshop being used to its potential (or actors - I mean, those couldn't possibly be real Amish, could it?).
And for anyone interested, they also make the Amish Grill .
I've talked about the bearded amish men working in their barn in an earlier post and for those who are missing out on that coupon section I thought I'd share with you what you've been missing. Now, that's Photoshop being used to its potential (or actors - I mean, those couldn't possibly be real Amish, could it?).
And for anyone interested, they also make the Amish Grill .
Posted by
on Friday, October 3, 2008
Comments: (0)
Liv did this a couple months ago for me but it's too damn awesome not to post now. Click on the picture for the Artist's Statement and a sound byte.
Cubicle Smell Hell
Posted by
on Thursday, October 2, 2008
Comments: (4)
As some of you know, I get in to work early. Like 7 – 7:15ish. Usually I’m alone until 8:30 but this morning the person who sits kitty corner from me came in about 5 minutes after me. Apparently he thought he was alone as he started letting them rip.
I’m serious. Letting. Them. Rip.