X. and I just gave ourselves the best anniversary gift ever - a PS2 console. I am SO excited. The wii totally interests us too but the availability, cost and the fact that we would actually have to get off the couch and, dare I say, be active just squashed it for us.
Carnage and silliness while sitting on our asses suits us just fine, thank you very much.

I have God of War and it is an awesome game! I've also heard that all the Lego Star Wars games kick serious a55.
I haven't played God of War yet but saw X. play. It was pretty intense.
The Simpsons is alot of fun but surprisingly difficult. Most of this has to do with the asinine camera angle.
We also got Ratatouille. That was totally an o. purchase but I think I like it more than she does.
But the one that everyone likes hands down is Batman Lego. That game is so ridiculously fun.
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