OW! I Burned My Hand!

Week 2 of Grand Jury:

When selling an item on craigslist, do not agree to meet the prospective buyer alone, in a bad part of town...at niiiight.

Illegal entrance onto a premise with criminal intent during the day is called Breaking and Entering and is considered a felony. This very same action is called Burglary and is then considered a capital offense when committed...at niiiight.

Before fleeing the scene of a crime, always check to make sure you didn't drop your wallet on the floor because it'll be a bummer when the po po knock on your door...at niiiight.

(For proper intonation, click here and then re-read.)


Kath said...

One of my very favorite SpongeBobs EVAH!!!!! The other is when SpongeBob lets all those Jellyfish stay at his pineapple and they have all nite techno parties.....at niiiiight! Now if I could only capture SpongeBob's laugh in text format that is how I would end this note!

anna said...

Are you talking about the jellyfish jam? That is too funny!