There's this woman at work who makes my skin crawl. (Big surprise, I know.) She's super brash, talks extremely loud and chews gum inappropriately all. the. time (mouth wide open paired with insanely loud smacking noises). In addition to this she has a glass eye so when you're forced to endure her talking at you you're never quite sure where to look. She came up to me a couple of Mondays ago and told me how tired I looked to which I sarcastically replied "Grrrrreat, thanks" thinking she'd get the hint that yes I was tired *and* cranky so step off. But that didn't stop her. It never does. She went on and on about how bad I looked all while talking really loud and smacking her gum.
Before the start of our staff meeting today the show Curb Your Enthusiasm came up. There were mini casual conversations going on about the show and then all of a sudden the glass eye interrupts everyone's conversation with her booming voice and states "I hate that show - he is just so abrasive."
Oh the irony.
We often hate in others qualities that we ourselves possess.
Are you talking about moi? Aren't you forgetting that I'm perfect?
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